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Mr R D McPEEK     

     I could not let what was in your paper February 11 2004 go without comment.

     Enclosed is a copy of what I read at the town meeting on December 17 2003 I also asked that this be placed in the minutes of that meeting and handed a copy to the clerk at that time.

      I do not know if or why you have an axe to grind with Mr Militello I simply know that Mr Militello is concerned with what happens in our town and comments on what he finds wrong. Having said that I will say I met Mr Militello very briefly at the town hall the night I spoke to the town board in a vain attempt to have these laws enforced to have our and my neighbor's property protected.

     I was also surprised by Supervisor Catalino not knowing of the zoning of the property involved as he called the town assessor and asked of the taxes and status of this property with myself and Mr Ohmerhodzic sitting with him at his desk, perhaps he  forgot?.

    If you are interested in what happened to all of the property's around this offending property I have a movie that I took I will be happy to show you, it is the same movie that Supervisor Catalino has had since last July .

    I was not able to have the zoning laws enforced to protect my property. I am disabled and retired I am also a veteran who cannot afford to hire a lawyer maybe I should turn these violation notices over to the Erie County Sheriff Dept for enforcement?

     Until Mr Militello came along I was without hope as our town government somehow was without any will to protect the zoning laws or my property. Even as I write this we live with the stench of manure improperly and illegally maintained, anyone can drive down route 20 and look at the scrap steel ( jersey barriers ) that contains the manure from 32 horses existing on about four useable acres of land.

     Next thing is the flies from this manure our neighbor an elderly lady a very good neighbor of ours for over twenty five years could not even sit in her wheelchair on her own back porch last summer because of the flies. I will not let this happen again this coming summer. Shame on all of us for having a government that turns a blind eye to a situation like this.

     Then there is the water pipes dumping water on the properties in the back they drain their manmade swamp onto us continuously making my land and woodlot always wet, so wet I could not go back in my own woods with my tractor to do the work that needs doing. Their water destroyed my access road I spent many years building. I brought this to the attention of the building inspector, town police, Supervisor Catalino, when all of this first started. And then watched hundreds of truck loads of shale hauled in to build a training track totally in violation of town zoning laws and without any permits.

     Would you please print this and let all of our town know what is happening here when people drive down 20 and see the welcome to THE TOWN OF EVANS sign in my yard next thing they see is two scrap steel beams containing manure neat huh.